Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Music For Deaf

If you belive that the deaf people can't register sound or let us say cannot hear sound or music in their life then you are completely wrong because know with the help of this next generation music device thry can, all clear and loud.
A German designer or let us say inventer  had come up with a conceptual device or in other words a music player that will give the deaf people to "feel" music....i mean they can actuall listen 2 it know but in a different mode offcourse. Dubbed "Music for Deaf People", the device comes in a different shape than conventional's like a collar or is a collar...that converts auditory input (the music that we here) into vibrations that triggers ...
Know there is the tricky stuff this vibration from the collar do into ur head and make u feel as if u are listening music speaking that in technical language "the same sound-processing brain regions as those with normal hearing. So the theory is that instead of hearing music", which means that you'll be able to listen out of your skin it self, which sounds a little creepy i guess at first sight but really futuristic in the secand thaught. This device will fit snugly around your neck, and you could theoretically wear it while you're jogging around the park or working right under the nose of your boss, though we're not sure how the act of jogging would affect the vibrations or any other physical activity 



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