Thursday, May 20, 2010

Touch Lamp

I’m not a big fan of study-table lamps simply because I can’t stand the surrounding darkness. Always creeps me out, but I’m sure most of you students need to invest in one. Sharing dorm rooms, you can’t disturb your mates right! So when you use one…how much light is sufficient for you? How about a lamp that lets you decide the luminance. Swipe a finger or span your palm to get “As Much As You Need Light”. Just the right amount of focus and light!

exactly, one led that dims will have the same candela output. why use 50 leds some of which will never be used unless you want the light to be very bright. you can still swipe to alter intensity. but these already exist.exactly, one led that dims will have the same candela output. why use 50 leds some of which will never be used unless you want the light to be very bright. you can still swipe to alter intensity. but these already exist.Sorta redundant but so stylish, haha. And if it actually saves a sufficient amount of energy, so much the better.


Unknown on May 26, 2010 at 11:24 AM said...

really innovative desing and class apart

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