Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The Nexus CellBot

Sprint and Verizon may have shunned the Nexus One, but that doesn't mean the handsets can't be put to good use: these Android-controlled, Arduino-powered Cellbots now feature the one true Googlephone as the CPU. At Intel's 2010 International Engineering and Science Fair in San Jose, we got our hot little hands on the DIY truckbots for the first time, and found to our surprise they'd been imbued with accelerometer-based motion control. 

Grabbing a Nexus One off a nearby table, It simply tilted the handset forward, back, left and right to make the Cellbot wheel about accordingly, bumping playfully into neighbors and streaming live video the whole time. We were told the first handset wirelessly relayed instructions to the second using Google Chat, after which point a Python script determined the bot's compass facing and activated Arduino-rigged motors via Bluetooth, but the real takeaway here is that robots never fail to amuse

But In My Personal Opion It Makes A Good Mobile Stand.
JUst Imagine u are setting on sofa or at the door and the mobile follows u and u never even happen forget or need to search for ur mobile


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